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Curriculum vitae
Page modified on 2021/08/03
Basic information
Matilde Ametrine (formerly Nikki Lydeen)
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0565-1614
Graduate Research Assistant, Climate Dynamics
Dept. of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences
George Mason University, Fairfax VA 22030
Contact information
Email addresses:
- matilde@ametrine.name (personal)
- nlydeen@gmu.edu (academic)
2019—. Ph.D., climate dynamics, George Mason University, Fairfax VA 22030.
Dissertation: TBD
Advisor: Timothy DelSole
2015—2018. B.S., physics and mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire WI 54701, summa cum laude.
P. Dirmeyer, F. Hay-Chapman, K. Huang, S. Knapp, M. Korendyke, N. Lydeen, Z. Manthos. Evaluation of land-atmosphere coupling and the Budyko relationship in CMIP6 models, 2020 AGU Fall Meeting, online.
N. Lydeen. Machine learning for dynamical model tuning, Fall 2020 AOES Seminars, George Mason University, online.
N. Lydeen. Detecting eruptions of Steamboat Geyser with convolutional neural networks, 2019 CERCA, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire WI 54701.
N. Lydeen, C. Ahrendt. Applying neural networks and genetic programming to the game Lost Cities, 2018 MAA-Wisconsin Spring Meeting, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire WI 54701.
N. Lydeen, C. Ahrendt. An application of neural networks to a non-deterministic game of imperfect information, 2017 MAA-Wisconsin Spring Meeting, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee WI 53211.